Moving side to side – Keeping those hips mobile and strong!

The more seasoned we become, the more important it is to move in different directions, especially with the hips.

Our hips are meant to move in all directions. For balance, back health, and knee health, it is important that we occasionally move in some other way beside front to back! If you play tennis it is essential!

Today’s quick video works in the frontal plane, or side to side.

I start with the roller to bring blood flow and find the hot spots that might restrict my movement – notice how I don’t leave my leg static, but I move it around. This is a good option for hips whether you are moving laterally or not.

  • Strengthen – Next up, we fire our hip muscles up and strengthen them. The monster walk has been a favorite go-to movement me, and to make this happen I use a braided band here. I also make sure I keep my knees soft and I have a slight hinge. Important here; do not push out too much. The point is to keep the tension and distance between the feet with short steps to the side.
  • Move – Now we are ready to integrate with the Bosu and balance by doing a drop-side lunge. Keep the hips from pushing forward and keep a solid foot on the Bosu. For an additional workout, I use a 10 lb ball. With the ball, I hold and then press.

Do you have a favorite lateral movement you like to do? Post it or send me a link – doesn’t have to be you!

Enjoy your week and wear your mask!

Want to shake it up with some more great moves for your hips? CLICK HERE to check out some of my other blog posts with videos

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