Feeling Off-Balance?

I don’t know about where you live, but sometimes it seems like we are skipping seasons. Makes one a bit off balance! This leads us into today’s Mobility Monday segment that features the Bosu!

Trying to remain stable while moving one segment of your body can be tricky. It gets harder if you try to follow the thumb with your eyes. I only try this with my clients who are comfortable coming off the Bosu, and who can stand on it shifting their weight.

Before starting on the Bosu, try this standing on a single leg, with no Bosu.

With your thumbs at arm’s length slowly bring your thumb around 90 degrees to one side, following it with your eyes. Many people can do the move very easily with their eyes forward. To get the biggest benefit follow it! As you can see I do both right and left side and then up and down. I have sped the video up, for time’s sake, but the real challenge is doing it very slowly.

What does this work?

It works your lower body from the feet to the hips. You are trying to keep your body from falling off the Bosu, your core is working to stabilize you while you move, and your upper body is doing the same, in addition to moving. I would say the whole body is involved in the stability effort!

Make sure you breathe here and remain relaxed. Try 5 to eight on each side or alternate every other time!

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