Have you ever been in a precarious position, say on a rock or at a tide pool, then realized you had not walked on uneven rocks for a while, and felt more than a bit off balance?

Thankfully I wasn’t at the top of the mountain, and if my foot slipped it would be into 3 inches of water. (I could say hot lava, but you wouldn’t believe me) The point is my usual sense of confidence with my balance had eluded me!
What happened? Is it my age, was I not hydrated, didn’t get enough sleep? Could be. But my best answer would be; I have not been using my balance as much while “Sheltering in Place.”
My regular practice of working with clients 5 days a week has been dashed, and although I am walking, squatting and pulling on occasion, single leg work has been neglected, and therefore my balance has suffered!
Let’s change that!
Here are some ideas, for single leg work that I have been starting to incorporate on a more regular basis
  • Running woman/man (no equipment necessary) – add hop for intensity
  • Single leg deadlift with row – second time around add a front kick and press/ to add intensity close one or both eyes
  • Tap in different directions – front, side cross -intensity lunge to balance in different directions
Remember these are balance exercises, you are not lifting much weight. If they are too much, don’t use any weight. Remember to breathe!
Happy Tide pooling!

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