Super Setting!

A great way to add a little flavor and kick to your routine!

Last week we focused on the row, or pull, for our super set. Today’s video involves the push.

As a reminder, a super set is usually two exercises that are done back to back, which involve the same muscle group. I chose to use a TRX push-up and a ball press with a sandbell.

Generally, I use a time of 30-45 seconds per exercise with little or no rest in between.

How to do a TRX push-up

  • Make the straps long and face away from the attachment.
  • Place your hands in a position at chest height.
  • Straps are tight and you are pushing into them.
  • Arms straight to start… lower yourself to a position where elbows are bent at 90 degrees, then push back.

To make the exercises harder step back, or push up with a single leg. If you don’t have a TRX, you can use a bench, a ball or the ground!

Exercise #2: Press on Ball

If laying down on the ball isn’t your thing you can use a bench or just a simple standing press. Just make sure the weights are appropriate for your fitness level.

  • Make sure you are squeezing the glutes here, no arch in the lower back.
  • The head needs to be neutral on the ball.
  • For a second set, you can press the bell, bar, or ball to the corners for a little challenge.

Does anyone out there have a super set that they like to do?

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