The Super Set

Those of you who work out on a regular basis may find that you are doing the same routine all the time. A squat, a push, a pull, etc. The body adapts pretty darn quickly and let’s face it, boredom does too!

I am constantly looking for ways to vary exercise routines and keep them fresh but keep them easy for most people. I like to do super setting. Traditionally supersets are two exercises that work opposing muscles, chest and back, glute bridge and lunge, bicep and tricep, etc.

Generally, they are done with little rests in-between.

Sometimes I will throw in a light cardio jumping jack, ice skate, or bosu move for active recovery in-between sets.

The other way I superset is to do 2-3 exercises using the same muscles in a compound move, such as two push exercises or two pull exercises together, or two lunges.

In my video example today, that is what I do.

My first exercise is a TRX row, which is one of my favorites anyway. I find 3 different positions and get deeper every 4 rows. You could do this with a band or a pulley, or even a seated row. Do it for 30-45 seconds.

The 2nd exercise is a hinged row with a 15 lb weight, which I then turn into a single leg extension with a hinged row for 30-45 seconds.

Repeat two to three rounds with little or no rest in between. But work to your tolerance.

Next week we will do a push supper set!

What are your favorite supersets? Tell us in a comment below…

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