*I know this is a little lengthy but please read the text on this one to get full benefit! Besides I critique myself!*

Today I wanted to do a video on common faults that we have in our everyday exercise movements. I did not have the time to do a new video so I thought, let me do a video on traveling and how easy it is to do a little work out with a bench and a weight or a milk jug (about 8lbs).

My son had sent me an old video we did on the road a few years ago. After reviewing it and shortening it, I realize I could have my common fault and travel video all in one.
First lets quickly review the exercises. If you say time is an issue, I would say well yes if you only feel you have to do 30 – 60 minute workouts. But something is always better than nothing in regards to movement.

Today’s 4 short exercises can be done as many or as few times, as you have the time. Remember to do a short warm-up before you begin.

  • Plank pushup 30sec or 10 reps

  • Step ups at bench or smaller step 10 steps each side

  • Squat at bench 8 or so, then squat jump for another 10

  • Hinge row at bench 10 on each side, increase weight or use speed, slow or fast to increase work.

Simple right! Yes! But wow, as I watched myself I found my inner trainer coming through!

Here are my “what looks good, what could use improvement” critiques of my moves! (common faults) Yes, I am human too!

Plank Pushup

  • What I am doing right… shoulders are back, no rounding
  • What could use big improvement… leading with my head! Wow! You can see my neck muscles straining.
  • How do we correct? … Be aware of where the eyes look and let your head follow the line of your back. Work from the core and drive the elbows back and feel your lats kick in.

Step-Ups at the Bench

  • What I am doing right… I am driving through with my heals.
  • What could use big improvement… there are several things…
  • How do we correct… First I need to slow down. Then, when I step up I need to extend fully through my hip. I never get the full benefit of the extension. I also need to keep my chest open. This would happen if I slowed down. And lastly, I need to use my arms to help my balance. The leg that goes up should have the opposite arm going back!!

Squats at Bench and Jump Squats

  • What am I doing right… I have a flat back and no rounding and my jump squat is pretty good! I have to say!
  • What could use improvement… too much hinge, could keep my chest open and again leading with my head.
  • How do we correct… work my tight ankles on a foam roller, drop my chin and gaze down.

Hinge Row at Bench

  • What I am doing right… I have that nice line with my back and I am bringing the row up near the hip so that I am working with the back and not the arm.
  • What needs improvement… In my opinion, my supported arm.
  • How do we correct… My supported arm needs to be under my shoulder more so that I can engage my core for stability. Otherwise, I am putting a lot of pressure that I don’t need on that should capsule. With my weight being so light, it does not impede me too much but if the weight were heavier, or I do more, I might risk injury or issues with my neck.

There you have it! The travel/common vault all in one video! In conclusion, most of my faults are fairly minimal and can be corrected with awareness and speed correction. Save your quickness for cardio intervals!

Keep in mind it is not only important to know what to do, but how to do it and why! A professional Personal Trainer can help correct small issues and give your workout a tune-up, so that you get yourself a bigger bang for your buck and remain injury free!

Happy Trails All!

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