Mobility and Strength, Wow what a concept!

There is such a divide out amongst the powers that be, to separate weight training and cardio. Today’s exercise dares to touch on all three! Wait! I only mentioned two! Just seeing if you were with me… So the three areas are, stability, mobility, and strength! Put them together in a rather quick pace and you start huffin’ and a puffin’, cardio!

I call these figure 8’s or Halo’s when I do them around my head. Notice I am in a split stance which challenges my balance. I am tracing a halo around my head with the Kettlebell, and I also have the kettlebell up and am holding it at the bottom. This gives us more work than a ball or barbell, and more control so we don’t swing the bell into our noggin.

With the halo, clients usually do 10 turns one way then 10 turns the other way and then they change stance.

You could do it for a specific amount of time too. If you want to decrease the challenge there are a few ways to go.

  • Change the stance
  • lower the weight to 5 lb KB
  • use no weight or very light ball

If you need to increase the challenge

  • increase the weight of the bell but only increase with form in place
  • change your stance with the same weight, single leg, lunge stance
  • place one foot on unstable surface
  • move as you do them, step out or back or sideways

With the second exercise, I do a squat and weave the bell thru my legs in both directions. If I were the client I would tell me to try to keep the knees from dropping in and drive my heals so I have more stability. I am dropping my knees here, and not keeping them as stable as I think they should be!

These two exercises do a great job at engaging your core and keeping you stable while something moves around you. Your shoulders have to have a descent amount of mobility internally and externally or you get whacked in the head. The weight provides work and time under tension for strength.

Focus on form and then have some fun with this one!

Looking for some good kettlebells for movments like this one? Check out what TRX has to offer…



PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: Available in 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 kgs (8.8, 13.2, 17.6, 24.6, 35.4, 44.1, and 52.9 lbs) Gravity-cast molding for better balance and consistency Smooth, comfortable handles for easy gripping Flat base design to increase stability and eliminate wobbling Two-year warranty

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**This blog post contains affiliate links from TRX Training. If you use them, I might be rewarded credit or a commission of the sale. Please note that I only recommend tools that I personally use and love and I always have my readers’ best interest at heart.