Laughter IS the Best Medicine!

Health Benefits don’t always have to take place in a gym, or involve moving, or putting something green in your mouth!

Today’s post was spurred by a Children’s Book, or rather a reaction to a children’s book that I first viewed on Facebook. This Scottish grandmother (YouTube: The Scottish Granny) is reading this very silly book about a Wonkey Donkey, and she starts to laugh uncontrollably throughout the book.

For Christmas, I actually bought this book for my grand-daughter and now am enjoying the laughter benefits too!

Some Facts You May Not Know…

Data from the ElderCare Alliance (August 2018) and The Canadian Family Physician suggest laughter can bring people together, and positive emotional and physical changes can result.

Research has also found that laughter therapy can improve the quality of life for older adults by increasing blood vessel function and relieving stress and tension by reducing pain levels.

A stronger immune system has also been suggested as a benefit from laughter. Other, more powerful occurrences that happen with laughter are… it might improve natural killer cell
activity, which is linked to decreased disease resistance and increased life expectancy in people with cancer and HIV.

Although some doctors suggest that laughter might have a limited effect in some cases, it can certainly be a catalyst for change.

Interesting to note, research also shows a decline in laughter in relationships. I believe that as trainers we should focus not only on fitness but Wellness! And being well is laughing out loud! Often!

Which brings us back to The Wonkey Donkey!

Laughter is contagious and this woman’s laughter sure got me going! I hope you enjoy it! So, take a day off from squatting and lifting and laugh or do it as a post workout!

Video From: YouTube | The Scottish Granny

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