Single arm Strength Movement

This segment focuses on work with a single appendage, or, unilateral training. A few weeks ago I did single leg exercises. Today we will focus on single arm exercises!

Why do single arm exercises?
How do they benefit me?

I have 3 reasons I like to do these with my clients and myself.

  1. They work the trunk and core, especially when we are standing up. While we are pulling with one side we have to apply force to that one side and not roll into the other side. We have to stabilize the trunk against that force.
  2. We very rarely treat both sides of the body the same. By doing a single side we have a chance to discover our challenges and compare both sides of the body so that we can bring them into balance and possibly prevent injury.
  3. Most of life and sports are done unilaterally. Also, research shows that there is greater muscle stimulation with a single limb. Greater strength can be achieved.

If you are currently working out be sure to add some single arm work in both the pull and push phase of your work out!

If you are just starting to move, starting with a single arm is very natural. For instance, bringing a single arm straight up, or moving a single arm out to the side. You do not need to lift weights to get the benefit of unilateral training.

If you are ready to add a little weight to your routine but still need to purchase some weights you can do it right from the comfort of home!

Remember if you are looking for movement or strength gains, consistency is the key!

Have fun and let me hear from you!

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