Recovering from A Cold…

I am thankfully recovered from a nasty bout of bronchitis, that put me out of the studio for a week!

If you feel lousy do yourself and everyone around you a favor and get some rest. (Easier said than done, I know.)

Bouncing back into recovery with 6 easy movements…

…We focus on stability, some hinging, with lots of core help, and a single-leg exercise. The cardio movements are done on speed frame because we need to scroll on, I know.

These moves help with agility, movement, and functional rotation!

All of these movements can be made more challenging, or less challenging. If you want suggestions for this you can email me at or leave a comment at the end of this post.

Make sure you are pain-free when doing these. Challenging doesn’t mean it has to be painful!

The movements are…

  1. Ball Plank
  2. Ball Pank w/ Front to Back Motion
  3. Ball Plank w/ Stir Motion – 10-15 second hold x3
  4. Agility Move – pick ball or Bosu and tap alternating legs, pump with arms for 30 seconds
  5. Hinged Reversed Fly- hinge with hips, bring arms out like you are opening a big bag, soften elbows (start with arms at chest, not shoulder height!) if there is a pain in the neck or shoulders reduce weight or eliminate.
  6. Punch w/ a Jump – 10 punches with a jump turn, go one direction then the other, about 30 seconds
  7. **Bonus!!** Single Leg Glute Bridge w/ Single Arm Press – we are stabilizing both shoulders and hips here, 12-15 reps on each leg Up and over the bench with a small jump… Do you ever find yourself climbing over a log when you are hiking, or just getting out of a picnic bench? This one’s for you! Simple but effective! 

Put some tunes on and enjoy, after warm-up! Complete as many times as you have time for or form becomes compromised!

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