Happy New Year!

As I write this last post of the year my heart is filled with gratitude for the support you have all given me with RippedGrandma! My wish for you all is a Healthy and Adventurous New Year!

Remember, RippedGrandma was developed with you all in mind. I would like it to be a two-way street! I want to bring you relevant, knowledgeable posts with a dash of lightness thrown in. Let me know how I can help you reach your goals and meet your challenges on your terms! Cheers to you all, and may you be all that you want to be in 2019! 

Today I would like to leave you with 3 combinations of leg strength exercises.

A Simple Step Up-Or Step Down

  • This is more challenging by leaving one foot on the step and tapping the foot down.
  • Make sure you drive from the heal. All of the work should be in the backside.
  • Rather than reps try doing this for 30 – 45 seconds.

A Lunge at the Wall

  • Bring one leg back and straighten.
  • The front leg bends but stays over the foot. (Refer To Video) That is why I line up at the wall. It reminds me to drop down with the back leg then move forward.
  • In this video, I also brought my hands up over my head for an additional challenge.
  • You can always add weight to this, but make sure you master the initial move first.
  • If you have problems coming up, use a counter and make the move smaller.

A Single Leg Hinge with the TRX

This is the most challenging move in this series and one of
the exercises I use for warm-up for many of my clients.

  • Start by shutting the door with your backside and lengthen a single leg out as you reach forward.
  • As you reach forward, try to keep your shoulders away from your ears.
  • This is a great movement for ankle and foot strength as
    well as core and glute/hamstring strength. 
  • If a single leg seems too challenging, resort to double hinge only. (keep both feet on the ground)

As always, all of these movements should be pain-free!

Let me hear from you in the comments below…

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